Title: HOME
By: Maddox
Home to me is a place with nice hot food.
Home is a place of joy and fun, it is where you get nice things done.
Home can be all games but it can be pretty lame.
Home at night can be scary but it’s not when I'm with my toy named Berry.
The smell of home to me and you is unique, but when I cook something good the smell is at its peak.
Home is where my family is, and your family's job is to keep you safe.
Home to you can be the worst or the best place in the world.
But if you move to a new home it can make you nervous and make your tummy swirl.
As I get older I realize How important home really is.
What home to me is everything above but the real thing that makes a place home to me is this.
Playing video games with my brother.
By: Maddox