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House from Home

Don’t confuse a house for a home. A house is a place with things inside, a home is a feeling. Home is where you can feel loved, Normal, Like yourself, And most of all, Safe. At home you may see The ones you love (and hate) Your friends Your family And you feel happiness inside. Or joy Or maybe just calmness Home is not a is not a place for war, nor unwelcomeness. Home should be a place of pleasant memories, Delicious homemade meals, And lovely family time and moments. Home is where you can smell burning candles and fresh baked cookies. Home is where the warmth of your family’s love comforts you. House is none of those things. House is where you live, and that’s about it. House becomes special when you make it a home. A home doesn’t need a mom, a dad, a brother, a sister, or a pet. Home just needs to be special for you. Don’t take your home for granted because some people only have a house, and they don’t know if they’re going to move the next day. A home, you’re there for a long enough time to feel the real feeling of home and not house, the feeling of joy and happiness. No matter how long you stay, you will know when your home. That’s how you know house from home. Home is special. House is not. Love your home, for now, for always and forever.


Grade 5

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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