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Meaning of Home

A home isn’t just four walls and a roof - that’s a house. A home isn’t a place where you feel discouraged or stressed or not safe. Home is a place where you should feel safe, happy, and encouraged. Home is where you get taught right from wrong. Home is where my mom cooks and is where I read books. A home is not just a house where you eat, sleep, play and bathe. It’s a place where you make memories and think about those small things too. Home is a place where I can be me and sing aloud; this allows me to be myself. Home is a place where I hear dogs in the distance. When I’m outside I feel fresh air, I feel my soft cats, I see paintings on the wall memories shared with all. Home is a place where I try new foods which I might end up liking. Home is a place where I feel loved by my mom and dad, Everyone’s so friendly, they pet my cats so gently. Home is where my family is, in the breeze, at ease. My family, my home, my safe place


Grade 5

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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