By: Noah Hirst
Home is where my family is, my mom, and my two brothers, where love surrounds all of us and bonds are always cheerful.
Home is where pictures of ones we love are nailed to a wall so we can always see.
Home is where my moms wise words guide me through life’s challenges.
Home is where me and my two brothers laugh and play, where my moms cooking fills the air with the smell of her famous salmon that brings everyone to the table.
Home is where my dog cuddles turn any sad day into a happy one.
Home is where my family celebrates holidays and special occasions, where we make memories that will last a lifetime.
Home is where we feel safe and secure, with the ones we love,
where family is the heart and heart is the family.
Home is where love, laughter, and memories with family live. It's a place where you truly experience life and all its greatness.
Thank you, Habitat for Humanity for giving this opportunity to children across Canada to be able to help those in need.
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