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The Meaning of Home

Hope you fix the housing crisis. A home every day would be nice. Being at home should make you feel safe. I should see people happy when they’re at home. Trash shouldn’t be everywhere at home. At home you should feel happy and safe. Torn apart stuff should never be at home. For every homeless person there should be a home. Oh my, we need to lower the number of homeless people. Return the homeless people to their homes. How many homes have evil and undeserving parents? Uhmmm, homes need good and nice parents. Many homes have laughter, as they should. As many homes as possible need to have nice parents. Never should be having bad thoughts at home. I and others should feel and be safe at home. Trains should never be at home, unless it’s a toy train. Y’know, we can’t fix every home alone, but if we work together we can!


Grade 5

Hamilton, Ontario

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