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What Home Means to Me

Home is not just a place it is a feeling It is not just about four walls and a ceiling Home is what is on the inside not the outside And home does not have a darkside Home is where you go at the end of the day When the sun goes away Home is a place where smiles are real And where we have good meals It is where you grow up and look back at yourself With the pictures on the shelf Home is where everybody is together Where you feel better Home is where you feel free Home is a place where you learn about your family tree Home is where me and my siblings bond And go throw pennies in the pond Home is where there is no judgment and I feel safe Home is where I never feel unsafe Home is where me and my family cuddle up and watch movies Home is where we love each other truly Home is home Just like stepping stones Without Habitat for Humanity, there would be so many people that are homeless It is not pointless


Grade 5

North York, Ontario

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