Home Vs House
Home is a place where I am loved. It's a place where me and my brother push and shove. Home is like a base ; it's where I can feel safe. Where my parents love is to infinity and my pet always jumps with glee because they live with me. If I'm sad my mom and dad will take me to my place so I can get into my happy place. Home is like a bee hive. We buzz and stress but at night we all rest. You can catch me anywhere with my family right there. When I enter my front door my family is right there with hugs and kisses and my moms famous cookies ready to taste. When I'm nervous before a game my family jumps in and tells me we are going to win. My family is always with me if I leave. We all know if I leave their side you all know they're going to miss me. Home is a place of love. It's where I know I can fly like a dove. Home is a place where I am loved; it's a place where I can smile and love.