Home Sweet Home
If home were a feeling, it would be the cozy feeling of a blanket wrapped around your body on the couch. If home were a sound it would be the sound of family laughing together, with guests all around. If home were a smell it would be the nice old smell of fresh popcorn and chocolate chip cookies. And If home were a sight, it would be the most beautiful sunset, with shining green mountains, and rainbows.
Home is not just a house, or a building with four walls and a roof, if you want to feel the feeling of home you have to get the recipe right. It calls for one family or more (it doesn't matter how many people there are), twelve packets of that comfortable feeling, a lot of appreciation, and as much love as you can get.
Home is a place that you can trust. You can do a trust fall and someone will catch you, you can tell a secret and it will be kept, but most importantly home is a place where memories are made, and memories that are created can never disappear.
Home makes me feel like a celebrity, everyone loves me, cares for me, and wants to be around me (most of the time). It's like a bubble where I can express my feelings while feeling comfortable and not judged.
One thing that I like about home is that there is always someone to look up to, and play with, like a sibling or a cousin. Another thing that I like about the great feeling of home is my friends to play tag or hide and seek with. We always have a blast.
And lastly, the key to home is your family, that will always be there to cuddle you.
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