What Home Means to Me
Once a little boy named Johnny went to school and his teacher said class. I have an assignment for you.you have to write a paragraph about what home means. For the rest of the day Johnny was thinking about what home means to him but he could not think of anything. Johnny asked his mom what does home mean to you I have to write a paragraph of what home means to me can you help me. Of course I will help you. To me home means to be with family, to be loved. It doesn't matter where you are it matter about the people you are with.home can be anything I traveled the world a lot and my home was my moms dumplings they were so good and it reminded me of where I came from home can be anything even snuggles or bedtime stories watching tv building snowman.drinking hot chocolate by the fire home can even be laying with friends.then Johnny went to bed and thought of a whole bunch of ideas the next day johnny went to school and started to right the stuff he thought about at night.and he read his story to his friend joy, joy loved it but Johnny did not think it was good enough so he used some ideas from his friends and tired is paragraph in to a story his teacher loved it. His teacher loved it so much she should the principal and he was impressed he wanted to give johnny a prize. At the next assembly they called johnny up and johnny did not no why but when he got up there he got a medal and the principal sed congratulations you won best story in the school and everybody cheered he said wow
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