Home Sweet Home
Home is a place where loved ones gather, to me they matter.
Home to me is all about Jesus, Jesus saves us.
Home is more than a place, it is the place where we can be together!
We can gather, be kind, and be thoughtful.
Home is more than eating or sleeping. Home is thriving!
Home is where you can be yourself.
To be home at Christmas is special. It’s a time we remember Jesus.
In the winter we play in the amazing snow - brrr!
My home is a renovated church - it has three floors and we
have our own beach.
I have three dogs, two cats, and a lot of chickens! Home to me means a pet is nearby.
My home has special smells and sounds, which only I can understand.
My sisters and I play together and build strong relationships. We play lots of games - including battleship.
My favorite place in my house is a special nook where there are a bunch of pictures and we eat lunch.
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