The Colors of my Home
The color red would be not just for the bricks that make up the walls. It is the love and family that's always there for me.
The color orange is for the fire right next to my home that on New Years, we always light up and tell stories while looking up at the fireworks.
The color yellow is for the delicious chocolate chip banana cookies my mom always bakes that smell so good and fills the air with a delicious scent and happy smiles.
The color green is for the pictures in our hallway of my family all laying down in the grass and making good memories, laughing and playing in our front yard.
The color blue is for the joy and laughter when my sisters and brothers are playing with their spray guns, while spraying each other with water.
And the color purple is the color of my blanket that every night my mom puts over me when she turns off the light and says goodnight.
Thank you Habitat for Humanity.
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