What Makes a Home
A home should make you feel safe and fluffy. A home doesn’t need to be a building, it just has to make you feel safe and loved. A home isn’t special because of the things inside and around it. A home can be anything for example: a field, a playground or even a school. I made this poem yes for the prizes, but mostly for the people that don’t have homes, no safe place where love blossoms. If you're reading this, please take a second to realize and and be thankful that you have a home. A home doesn’t need a shelter or a sofa, it needs and means love. For my last minute or second of your attention, I want to let you know that you don’t need a shimmery mantel or a beautiful chandelier to be perfect. No one should have the right to judge you on the things you have or don’t. Sincerely Isla.
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