Why home matters
My meaning of home is not just a house and a roof, it's where memories and family come together and create a nice cozy warm blanket to cover the house and make it almost perfect, but home can also be noisy when me and my sister bicker and the dogs bark, Home can be warm and cozy when it's winter time and my mom turns the heat on and we lay on the couch and snuggle with our dogs watch movies and eat snacks, home can smell delicious when my mom cooks tasty cheesy fettuccine that makes me want to eat it all and shove it in my mouth, home can be crowded when me and my sister make a mess of something and don't clean it up, home can feel fiery when me and my sister argue and annoy each other which makes my mom mad, home can feel nice and soft when my mom invites my dad over for dinner and we play board games throw a basketball around and watch marvel movies, home can be quiet at night when my mom is working and my sister is at practice, home can be exiting when I know I get to go out to my garage and do ninja and have my friends over, home can be cool when I'm swimming in my pool with my dog and friends during summer time. Home can be a mixture of emotions but it will always be a place you can go to no matter what you are feeling.
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