Meaning of home
My house is my home because my family is there. They are always supporting me. My mom always cooks the best food. My sister always plays with me if I’m sad or bored. My brother always helps me clean up the house. Even though my siblings and I fight, we’re always there for one another. My home is filled with love. My mom gives me the warm hugs I need when I feel down. My sister gives me the kindness she has in her heart. My brother always makes me laugh or tells me funny jokes when I'm in a bad mood. Everywhere I go in my home, there's happiness. They always provide me with food when I’m hungry. They make me feel so grateful for the things they do for me. Not only that, but they buy me the best things I could ever imagine for my birthday. We always have fun celebrating holidays together. My mom always has time in her day for my siblings and I even though she has so much work to do, she makes it work. My home is my safe place where I can talk about my feelings. It's a place where I can be myself and a place where I know is loved. Home is where I can feel like I belong and feel comfortable with my family. It’s where my siblings and I grow every inch. In my home, I don’t have to be stressed about anything I’m doing. My home is filled with the people I love and trust. Whenever I need help, somebody is there for me. My home is filled with the things I love and can’t live without. It's where I am entertained and have fun all the time with my family.
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