The Meaning of Home
My house has become a home over time. When my parents moved in, son after I was born. I have lived there ever since. When my brother was born, we had already been in our home for three years. When Ike was born, it was amazing! My house had never felt more like a home.
I started to play music and happiness filled our house. All the history and memories in my house have made my house a home over time. Just like that old saying you know, "home is where the heart is"!
Well, it couldn't be more true in my case!
What makes my house a home is my family. My brother and I both said our first words in this house. We took our first steps here too.
Some people might say, furniture makes my house a home, and that can be true in some cases. If someone asked me to move< I would refuse. There are too many memories to leave behind. Even when my brother and I fight, I cannot imagine life without him. Once I had a dream, I was walking into my house and it was empty. I woke up feeling horrible. In my home, I have many precious objects too. There is one stuffy I have and it used to belong to my grandmother. It is over fifty years old. I call him Sammy. He is a yellow elephant. .
In conclusion, what makes a house a home for me is the feelings and people who are in it.
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