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Home feels safe, where I can walk in the door and feel loved Somewhere I will never be snubbed. All the memories made there feel warm Where we can be ourselves and don't always conform. Home tastes like Mom’s warm buttery bread fresh out of the oven Or chocolates, there will always be more than a dozen. On ski days it tastes like salty Mr. Noodles But when I bake, it must meet everyone’s approval. Home smells like my dad’s shampoo He never changes his hairdo. Sometimes there is a fresh aroma of steak, When I eat that, my stomach will never ache. Home sounds like the awesome voice of Taylor Swift Her voice is a gift. There is always some kind of game going on like the Nintendo, Screams that rise in a crescendo. Home looks cluttered and full of stuff Or my dads arms that are so buff. Adorned with ancient antiques, And clothes strewn on the stairs but still so chic So what am trying to say is that home is where I feel safe and warm And love can never be torn. Everyone should have a home No matter where they roam.


Grade 6

Edmonton, Alberta

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