The Meaning of Home
Home. Home is a word that takes many words to describe.
For example, how would you describe coming home after a long day of school,
tired, and your pet comes dashing towards you, all excited?
Or the long conversations in the kitchen, while your dad prepares dinner?
And while at a family gathering, your aunt pinches your cheeks and says,
"Can you stop growing already?"
Family won't be here forever so it's important that you cherish every moment and every second
with them as much as you can.
The same goes for pets.
To you, they're only a small chapter of your life.
But to them, you're their whole book.
Be grateful for everything you have because others may have it worse.
Be grateful for your amazing families that are always just one call away.
Be grateful for your friends that'll always be by your side,
Day to night, Monday to Sunday, month by month and year by year.
Pay attention to the fact you're extremely gifted.
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