What Home Means To Me
Do you think that home has a meaning? I believe that home has many meanings. But to me, the meaning of home is family. The two people that have made big impacts in my life are my Nana and Papa. Also my favorite smell of home is my Mom cooking shepherd's pie, and my dogs that lay by my side as I pet them.
Tragically in 2023 my grandfather passed at 80 years old. As me and my siblings always said, he was a cranky old man but he was our cranky old man. My Nana has been having some trouble but we've been working through it together as a family. I have this really good memory of my Nana and Papa. When I walked into their front door one day, I saw my nana sitting on her couch and my papa eating a raw potato with salt and pepper. I also have this really good memory of my mom cooking. One day after I walked in the door from school and I smelled this awesome and beautiful aroma. Another great memory was when I went and I sat down in my living room and I saw my dog Max on his belly looking for belly rubs. Then my dog luna copied and rolled Until her belly was up.
My home's meaning is my grandparents, my mom's cooking and my dogs. As we said about the dining table laughing and talking and playing games. enjoying all the moments that we have together.
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