Meaning of Home
I love home. A home is not a place with four brick walls, a kitchen, a living room, etcetera. It is where you feel safely snuggled in a warm blanket where you can feel endless happiness. Home is where you get memories, endless laughter, fun, and love. It is where we are safe, loved, and at peace. One reason a home is so special to me is because I don’t know what to do if I don’t have one. Another reason why my home is so special to me is because outside you have to act in a proper way, but at home you can be yourself. My home is with my family, friends, and cousins. My home is where my mom's warm embrace and my dad's wise words guide me through my ups and downs. My home is when my cousins comfort me when I am upset and when my sister annoys me. So this is what I think“ Meaning of home” means.