Why Home Is Special
I think that home is special because of three different necessities.
The first reason is being safe. I have some reasons why I think this. Firstly if I don't have a safe house to live in I would simply feel different because I don't get the love that I would need to be happy. If I'm not getting the love that I would need, this affects how I act. If I don't have a safe place to live I would have some issues with trusting that my house is truly safe
The second reason I think that home is special is because of the memories I make. Because memories can be important for remembering funny times, for some laughter, so that everyone is happy or if I got hurt I would try to remember happy memories like when I went on vacation or when I got my pet cat.
And this leads me to my last reason, my special place to live. I have some reasons. If I were to not have a special place to live, instead of moving to a lot of different places I would be weirded out if I kept moving. And Another reason is if I don't have a special place to go every day and night to be loved and needed I would be sad that I can't feel comfortable at my own house.
This is why I think that my home is more special than an average house.