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The meaning of home to me

The meaning of home to me For me, home is a place to be me. Home is a place to feel loved and welcomed. Home can be your way to spread your emotions and feelings to the people you love. It's a place to feel warm, and cozy. When my parents say goodnight to me, it makes me cry how lucky we are to have a home because some people don't have a home. Home is also a place where you can eat warm delicious food. Home does not have to be expensive as long as you feel loved and welcomed. To me, home is also a place to express your secrets to your family and loved ones. When you're. sick, you lay in a warm cozy bed with your family taking care of you. Everyone should feel safe and loved in their home. Everyone should always have their own rules to do what they want. Always feel grateful and thankful for your home that takes care of you because some people don't have a home and are sleeping in tents every night and day. Home reminds me of me and my family spending quality time together. When I enter my home after school, I can smell the delicious food that my parents cook. I think of home when I'm sad because my home will always make me feel better. Home always matters everywhere when I was a little kid because I was a clumsy boy. My home will always be there for me everyday and also my family. Home is also a haven and a comfort zone. Home is a place to live with family pets and friends. Home is a place


Grade 5

Toronto, Ontario

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