Meaning of Home
How can I get across to you just how important home is? It's a tricky thing to put into words. How would you do it? I have so many things that make my house a home. How about I just tell you three and that will be easier. I will tell you about the location, my bedroom and dinner time!
I love my home’s location. It is amazing because it is so close to school and I don’t have to take the bus. It is also fabulous because I have really great neighbours and they have young kids who I can play with when I am bored. My friends' houses are super close so we can hang out whenever we want.
My bedroom is another amazing place! I like it because it gives me time to myself when I need to think things over. It is also a great place to keep my things safe and in their own spot. Lastly, it is where I feel peaceful thoughts within it from the amazing dreams I have.
Last, but certainly not least, I love dinner time at my home. It is when we are all together as a family to share a meal. This allows me the opportunity to share about my day and if I am having any problems, my family can help me brainstorm solutions. I also look forward to dinner time, so I can try different foods without feeling like I am forced to eat them.
Overall, there are so many things that mean home to me. The good memories that I make while at home are the ones I can take anywhere I go. Home is my safe place and around the people I love the most.
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