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Home-The Best Place on Earth

Home is a place where memories are made, love is had and a place where I can see my family. My Dad and I play mini sticks with my brother, Wallace. I also love reading Harry Potter with Mom. I love the feeling of being with my family. Life might be tough, but family will be there to support you. I love my dog, Keely. She is probably the best pet on earth and maybe in the known universe. It is a lot of fun to take her on walks. She is very cute and lazy. I love my dog. I am very grateful to have a house to live in. I am grateful to have a roof over my head. I am grateful to have a family that loves me and cares for me. I think everyone needs that and Habitat is doing a great job helping. I love my home. It is the best place on Earth. By: Harvey


Grade 4

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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