Home Is My Sanctuary
My home is not just a house. It is a place where I feel safe. It’s a place where I spend time with my family. At home, I can express all my feelings and make fun memories with my parents and my brother. It is also a place where I can be myself. I can be funny, I can be silly, I can laugh out loud, and I don’t have to worry about anybody judging me. For me, home is my sanctuary.
When I went to Ottawa this past weekend, I saw an exhibit by Médecins sans frontières. It was an ice sculpture called “Little Birds.” It represented all the little children in Mexico and Central America who have been displaced from their homes. In Gaza, a million kids have been displaced from their homes, and their homes are even being destroyed. These kids no longer have a place to play or feel safe. This makes me feel very sad. It also makes me realize how lucky I am to have a home where I can feel safe.
I recently learned about Habitat for Humanity’s mission and work around the world. This organization builds homes for families in need. It makes me hopeful that there are organizations like this that work hard to provide homes for kids and their families. When I am older, I would like to volunteer and help them build homes too. I hope that someday, every child in the world will have a home that they can consider their sanctuary.
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