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Home Sweet Home

What home means to me is a place of comfort and wellness. My home makes me feel safe, warm, and loved. It brings back memories of people, things I like, songs that get stuck in my head, and even the scrumptious, delightful dishes that my parents make. Home isn’t just walls, floor, and a roof, but a place that I hold deep inside my heart, and that I will never forget. It is safe not because of the house itself, but the family that is with me. Everyone that I love and care about. My dad drives me to golf, my mom cooks dinner, and my brother and I play together and occasionally, fight. Home is where I play video games and be lazy on the couch. My home is the one place where I feel comfort and safeness. Thank you Habitat for Humanity for helping others have a wonderful home just like me, letting more families live joyful and marvellous lives. I hope more people can be as happy as I am.


Grade 5

Toronto, Ontario

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