Home is not only where I live, but also a special place in my heart. Home is not only where I sleep at night, but also wherever I am with my family. I know my family loves me because they hold me up, give me hugs, and help me when I am sad. My brother is fun but sometimes he makes me feel dumb because he is a teenager. I still love him and I hope he knows that. I love my mom. She makes me feel loved when she hugs me at night. I feel her love when we are all sitting at the dinner table enjoying the warm food she has prepared. I feel loved when my dad plays with my brother and I all the time. It makes me feel nice and safe inside. No matter where my family is, as long as we are together, that’s when I feel at home.
Home is seeing my kind neighbors walk their cute dog that I love to pet. My home sits in a beautiful forest with a creek running through it. If you cross that creek it will lead you to my grandmother’s house. I love my grandmother who is ninety-four, and I am glad she is still here. My forest has lots of trees, and lots of space, and I can play wherever I want. I can climb a tree, get hungry, go to my grandmother's house, get a plum, come back and do it again. I am lucky because I have so much family that lives close to me. I enjoy being able to walk and visit my family.
I love my family and not just because I was born with them, but also because they would do anything for me.
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