My Home
My home,
The first thing that I will say About my home is love.Love of my Parents Brothers and my sisters When they are telling me. I love you Abigail. In my home l can find Care of my family . Care of my parents when I am worry About something and they are look at me telling; don't worry everything will be okay. If my home were a Smell Is would be fresh baked cookies and muffins made by my mother and my sharing with my brothers and my sisters. In my home we have so much Me with my brothers and my cousins watching TV or playing in our backyard and my parents with my uncles and aunties chatting near to the fireplace drinking tea or hot chocolate in winter time. I am thankful for the place that I have in my home.I have a warm and comfortable bed where to sleep a roof over my head healthy food made for me to eat.In conclusion everyone deserves to have a warm home like me.
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