Meaning of Home
Home is connection
Where you have others protection
You are safe and loved
And never by anyone, shoved
No one deserves to live on a street
With not enough to eat
Home is family
With over your head, a balcony
Home is your own
Where you are never alone
Either big, little, tall, or small
Home can be anything, even if you don’t have it all
A home is a place to sleep
With even, a pet sheep
Home is many emotions
With no evil potions
Home is having enough food and being healthy
It doesn’t even matter if you’re not wealthy
In a home you can do peaceful things like make a knitted mitt
I love my home and everyone should have one and love it.
Thank you to Habitat for Humanity and the volunteers for building and giving people a home.
I also thank you for letting me write my feelings about homelessness.
I think that everyone should have a home and be loved.
Thank you for doing all that you have done and being so kind to the people experiencing homelessness and making a home for them.