If home was the alphabet
Every home is special. Each person has a different meaning of their home. If my home was the alphabet, This is what I think it would be.
A is for apple pie baking in the oven.
B is for burgers at barbecues with your family.
C is for cats cuddling with you on cold winter nights.
D is for ducks swimming in the pond in the summer.
E is for everything nice that you can imagine.
F is for Fridays with your family.
G is for gaming on my Nintendo switch in the afternoons with my friends.
H is for homes are different than houses.
I is for igloo making in the winter with your siblings.
J is for jumping in puddles on a rainy day.
K is for kind family members comforting you when you feel down.
L is for lots of hugs and kisses from your family.
M is for mom baking cookies with you.
N is for no mean behaviour in my home.
O is for only kindness in this space.
P is for pizza nights at home.
Q is for quilts that me and my sibling make into a fort.
R is for races on Mario kart.
S is for siblings sharing love in this space.
T is for trains passing by and shaking our home.
U is for umbrellas keeping us dry on rainy days.
V is for vents blowing warm air into our home on cold winter days.
W is for water balloon fights with your siblings on hot summer days.
X is for xylophones on shows playing beautiful music.
Y is for you and your family cuddling on cold days.
Z is for zoos in VR with your family to make it feel real.
Each letter could stand for something different depending on who you are. My home is the world to me and nothing can change that.
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