What Home Means to Me.
Age 0: When my parents brought me home to warmth
With my sister's greeting and my dog's slimy licks I was welcomed to a great house that would never be bad. It was perfect.
Age 1: Finally standing on my own to feet
My home wasn't just made of walls, floors and doors but it was made of more, cozy, warm, love, peace.
Age 2: My home is older so am, I’m cuddled up on the couch someone always by my side, my dogs tapping paws were clicking against the floor my home is loved and means so much more
Age 3: Running around in my special house knowing I belong. If something were to happen I know to help when wrong.
Age 4: Home is where we help each other. We kindly care for one another. We share our toys, and give each other lots of joy.
Age 5: My home lets me feel happy, sad and get through anything tough. My home is where we yell ‘hey’ but also where we like to play.
Age 6: Sometimes there are cries
Sometimes there are lies but always ended up being alright. My home is where my family lives, my sister, dog, mom & dad.
Age 7: My home is not just for my home family, but all the people we love. We hold all the birthdays and holidays to cherish in our hearts with care.
Age 8: We gather round the warm cozy rug. To play a board game or two, with winners and losers we all are great and all feel welcomed and very safe.
Age 9: We are packing up but not to move. My house is going to change into something new!
Age 10: I’m back in my house. It looks different on the inside, old on the outside but it will always be the same. The love, peace and joy for all is the only thing I can explain.
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