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A Place Like Home

A Place Like Home Home is a place where you feel safe It is a place where you feel accepted and loved It is a place where you can tell all your worries You don't have to hide who you are. It is a place where you can express your feelings A home can fill your life with joy A home is a place where you can get annoyed and in trouble But that doesn't matter You can end it with laughter Home is a place where you grow big and strong Home is a place where it doesn’t matter what you wear or what you say It is a place where you will always belong Home is a place where you store your memories with your family Home is where your story starts and ends Home is where you spend time with your family And sometimes friends Home is where love is made and love is spent Never be scared because we are always cared Thank you to habitat to humanity for giving me a opportunity to do this poem.


Grade 5

Burlington, Ontario

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