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What Home Means to Me

These reasons are what home means to me Home to me means family,feelings and food Home to me means family. Family means someone to play with me. Someone to make me food. Also family means someone to make me feel safe. These are the reasons why family means home. Home to me means food. At home I don't have to worry about where my food comes from. When I think of home I think of food. At home i don't have to worry about using bad food At home I know I can have my feelings. Calm is one of the feelings I can feel in my home because I can sit with my four cats. Happiness is another reason because I can play with my four siblings. If i'm sad my family can help me get through it. Those are the reasons why feelings mean home to me. Home is where I find comfort in food, family and feelings.


Grade 4

Red Deer, Alberta

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