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Meaning of Home

Home is a place where you can relax and be yourself. You don’t have to be someone else. Home is a place where you eat. Home is a place where you can spend time with your family. A house is a building that you see on the street. A house is a feeling of joy and happiness. In a home, you hug, you kiss. Home tastes like apple pie that my mom makes. Home smells like love. I love my home. Without my home I would have no roof. Home is the nicest word there is. A home is very different from a house, a house is a place that you might come over to sometimes, but it doesn’t really feel like someplace that’s my home. A home is a place that I love and can enjoy. I wish everyone would have a house and enjoy their life like me but sadly that’s not true.


Grade 6

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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