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Home poem

Home is where love and joy is created and felt. Home is where we are protected from harm. Where we are covered in warm hugs and understanding. Home is where we fight and play with our siblings.home is where our parents work hard to give us food on a plate. Home is where we learn what love is and how it feels. home is where we celebrate our birthdays and holidays that have fun and joy in them. Home is where I find joy and happiness after a bad day. Home is where I make brand new memories that can last for a lifetime.Home is where I joke around and laugh with the ones I love. Home is where the beautiful nature around us has trees that blow in the wind, the lakes that are filled with gorgeous fishes just as gorgeous as my mom and all the leaves that change every and each season of the year and the amazing pretty flowers that bloom every and every spring. Home is where I relax. Home isn't a place it's a feeling <3


Grade 4

Waterloo, Ontario

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