What Home means
the meaning of home is warm and safe, with love and kindness in evrey space. loud? it may be, but that dose not affect me. love is way stronger then anger, but we are never ever in danger. with our family we can do anything. as long as we are beliving. to me home is everything. pets, famliy, sisters, brothers, your room, even food! sometimes we might even be in a mood. but in the end we are a family. home is our base, our favourite place. sometimes your sisters and brothers may be annoying and you may feel like destroying something. but they are famliy. parents. they always know the right thing to say when you had a bad day. they take care of you. sometimes they might say no. but it is for your safty. your mom and dad will always love you. no matter what. even if you do somthing bad. at night they will give you a kiss on the forhead and say i love you. and when you are scared they will always be there. i love my home. it dosen't matter if your home is big small, home is amazing. and thats what home means to me. the end
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