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The meaning of home

My home isn’t about the tv or my couch, it’s about the smells, love, and care. It’s what brings us together. Houses may be big or small, they all have one thing, love. My community is humble. Each of us care for each other. My family loves baking put our love into our muffins or cookies. We spend time together when eating. We share our memories of places we’ve been. My home is special because it has a caring family. The memories we share build the foundation of my house. My windows remind me of the moments that shone brightly. My doors open new possibilities everyday. My bed makes me feel safe and lets me relax. It's not the supports that hold my house, it's my bravery, strength, and courage. My home is in a wonderful community. Everywhere you go you see people you know. My home brings us together. Home is more than four walls and a roof; it’s a place that lets us relax and feel safe. It’s my family that makes a home a home.


Grade 5

Stittsville, Ontario

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