Home Is Where the Heart Is
Home is where the heart is.
Home. When people say ‘’ what does home mean to you’’ what do you say?
I say that home is a place that I feel like I belong. It is a place where no one can
or will judge you. I feel free as a bird in a light blue sky with some clouds
drifting above me. When I think of home, I think of all the memories I have
made in my home. From the first day we moved in to our home, it feels like the
house is the keeper of our memories. If we moved or lost our home, it would
feel like we lost all those memories. I really hope that everyone gets a chance
to make memories in their home.
Home is where my culture is. There are a lot of festivals like Diwali that we
celebrate in our home. We also have celebrations of our many gods, the whole
day is filled with happiness and love and delicious foods that make your mouth
water. When people think of home most people probably don't think of their
room or special hide–out, but I do, because my room is the place I go where all
my creativity happens, it is the place I go when I need to be alone sometimes.
But my family is the most important part of my home because they are the
people rely on when things get hard. I am filled with love when I am with my
family, they make me feel safe. When I am with my family nothing can hurt me,
they are like a shield of protection around me, and I hope everyone gets a
chance to live in a home that they want to live in, I am glad habitat for
humanity is working towards that.