What Makes a House a Home?
What makes a house a home?
What makes a house a home? A house is a place made for people to
live in, a home is a safe and stable place where someone can life
comfortably, with family, roommates, or just by themselves if they
Home is a place you can go after you’ve had a bad day, where you can
cuddle up on the couch and know you’ll be okay. You can go to sleep in
bed resting your head, relaxed knowing that you’re safe.
A home is where you can freely express yourself, celebrate your
culture, and holidays and have happy memories with family. Being
healthy and strong enough to live in a home independently with easily
accessible food and water but most importantly, being loved in your
home and knowing you are loved.
Everyone should be fortunate enough to have families big and small
being there for you and supporting you. Home should be a place to live
not a place to just survive.
I am very grateful I get to watch tv, sleep, or study, eat a nice meal and
be happy whenever I like. Everyone deserves a home, no matter where
you come from, whether tall or short, with families big and small. Thank
you to Habitat for Humanity for giving many families a place to call