Meaning of Home
I am from playing with Barbies, Peppa Pig, Dolls, and Paw Patrol
To Playing Roblox, watching scary movies, and playing on my Nintendo Switch;
From watching Dora the Explorer, playing hide and seek, and tag
To reading big books like Smile, Drama, and Baby Sisters Little Sister.
I am from loving dancing on the couch while annoying my brother
To still annoying my brother while he plays his video games;
From hanging out in my room with all my baby dolls
To in my room with peace and quiet but then my dad walks in, the peace and quiet goes away.
I am from LOVING EGGS and chicken nuggies
To now loving McDonalds and still loving chicken nuggies;
From loving grapes, strawberries, apples, and all fruit
To LOVING strawberries and still so much fruit.
I am from the city by Safeway near my Nana Banana [Nana]
To St. Andrews at Poplar Ave.;
From living by Abby, my neighbour
To living near Brenna while she is 3 minutes away.
I am Home!