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Home, A Place of Meaning

Home is a place where I laugh and play. Home is where I do not feel gray. Home is where I get lots of love. Home is where my heart has gone. Home is where I have comfortable sheets. Home is where I keep my sweets. Home is where I have conflicts with my brother. Home is where they are resolved with constant wonder. Home is where I cuddle with my dog. Home is where I sing lots of songs. Home is where my parents cook delicious food. Home is where I am in a good mood. Home is where I celebrate Christmas with joy and cheer. Home is where I do not have fear. Home is where I feel safe and protected. Home is where I feel very connected. Home is where I feel free to ask questions. Home is where no one comes second. Home is where I am most joyful at hard times. Home is where I feel safe to cry. Home is where I am loved and cared for, I am very thankful for my home and family. Everyone should be able to have a home or a place where they feel safe, but some people do not. I am incredibly lucky to have a safe place that I call home. Home is where the heart is, and it is where my heart will always stay.


Grade 5

Oakville, Ontario

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