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Home is an place

Home is not a place where you just sit and watch tv . Home is a place where you find love and support. Home is not a place where you just shower and go to sleep . Home is a place where you collect memories. Home is not a place where you just play video games . Home is a place where you find your place . Home is not a place where you just eat and go outside home . Is a place where you can follow your dreams and joy . Home is not a place where you share hate . Home is a place where your childhood begins. Home is not a place where you make fun and expand hate. Home is a place where you could get warm hugs and kisses . Home is not a place where you get spoiled and act spoiled. Home is the best feeling you could ever possibly imagine that’s the best thing you could ever ask for ❤️‍🩹


Grade 4

Windsor, Ontario

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