The time I walk out the door to the time I walk into the door, I'm not walking into a structure. I'm walking into a home with love, laughter and everything you need. I see home like soup, because soup has all the ingredients to make it what it is and home has love, laughter and family to make it what it is. I see laughter from the jokes me and my grandma say, and grandpa. I taste the delicious dinner that my grandma cooks up every night. On some nights when me and my grandma put the smudging supplies on the table, I light the match for smudging. It smells like a type of smoke that smells very nice and relaxing. My grandma says next summer we are going to get some fresh sweetgrass. When me and my grandma and her friends go camping, I love coming out of the trailer in the mornings and sitting by the fire that my grandpa made. I love hearing the tweeting birds. We always joke about them and my grandpa and one of my grandma's friends play Scrabble in the morning. I like to walk around with the toys. When I walk into my house after school with my grandma, I see my cat and my grandma walks up to the couch to watch her shows. I walk into my bedroom, open my computer and call my cat, Miko, and he hops onto my bed and I start petting him. Now you know how important homes actually are.
Scribed by Mrs. Lam
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