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Home is Home

My home is a glorious and a calm place. It’s a place where memories stay vibrant and not out of color. Home is the comfiest place I can imagine. My home is my family. It’s my mom who teaches me the importance of life. It’s my dad and my uncle who work hard for my family so we can have the nutritious food that we have. It’s my aunty who helps me with my projects and homework. It’s my grandma who teaches me about my beautiful culture. It’s my brother who supports my work and helps me with things I need help with. It’s my baby brother and sister who make my day more vibrant. Home is where you see little pencil marks on the wall leftover from childhood drawings. It is where you can enjoy the sweet aroma of the delicious things your parents make for you. Home is where you hear creaky floors because of your siblings laughing around and chasing each other. Its where you will hear the lawn mower mowing the garden. Home is not a home without it’s familiar sounds. Home is where you smell the fragrance of burning Diya’s and candles, and the smell of the sweet, savory and spicy food that your parents make. Home is the feeling of comfort, and the unforgettable love and fun. It’s like a shelf of memories in your heart. Home is a safe and joyful environment. Home to me is family and the laughter and joy we share. Home is love! Thank you, Habitat for Humanity, for making this beautiful way for children to help those in need.


Grade 6

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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Urban Systems Foundation - Meaning of Home Student Contest Sponsor