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Home is Special

Home is special. My home is special because it makes me feel safe. With bullies troubling me and problems with stress levels too high at school my family can comfort me. My parents are the reason I'm writing this. They are the reason I have a roof over my head, food, and clothing to wear. They are the reason I live. They are the reason I have toys and this chromebook at home. Home is also were I can relax. My brother is funny and my main source of laughter. Of course my parents are also funny but he plays with me instead of always working. School can be upsetting because I have anxiety. I also have trouble dealing with mean kids, and home helps find new techniques to deal with them, with the help of my parents. Imagining life without my parents is scary. I would not even live to a month old without food a shelter and water. All the rules my parents set are to keep me safe. They let me follow my dreams and keep going when things are tough. My love of school and reading is nourished by my family. I may have problems sometimes at school, but they help me solve them. I have a healthy, happy life because of home.


Grade 4

Cambridge, Ontario

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