What home means to me

What home means to me. Home is love. Home is fun to play. and home stops the bullying. Home has memories. Home is where we eat our food. And where we eat our meals. And where we get friends. And where we move on from something new. Home is safe. Home is where we go together and go somewhere else. Home is safe for people and it has memories of when people are friends and where we have memories and laughter. And where we meet friends and meet new people. And where you live is going to be by a beach. Home is where you sleep. And where it is cozy and comfortable. Home is where you get to have a family and you get to go to different places. Where we get presents and gifts and we give gifts to homeless people and where we give our pets time with people. And have the time of our lives. And be with food. And where we take care of our pets. Is where we can spend friends and family. When people don't have a family, some people don't have anything to eat. Some people do not have anything. So we should care about the people that die. And don’t have anything to eat or and sometimes people don’t have anything to Survive. And we should care about the people that can not Survive and die. Sometimes people can’t Survive. And it's hard for them to Survive. And some people don’t have a family and it is hard for them. Some people don’t have anything.


Grade 4

Valley, Nova Scotia

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