
A lot of people consider their community and neighborhood as their home, for me I consider my house my home. Inside my home I feel warm and cozy. That's what I think is a safe space. Inside my home I can be myself without worrying about being judged or criticized. When I picture home I think about all the laughs we've had when someone did or said something funny, that's a big part of my home. Outside of my home I feel alert and cautious, ever since I moved to my new neighborhood I have gotten one scar by accident. When I was a kid I loved to go outside but every time I went outside I felt like I would become a target. Minutes later I would run back inside crying and locking the door behind me. To this day I don't enjoy going outside, until the kids who bullied me moved away and I made peace with the other ones. Now I enjoy going outside and love talking to other people. Your neighborhood or community may not feel safe but there are ways to work around it to feel safe.


Grade 6

Yarmouth, Nova Scotia

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