My name is Ishaan, and today I will be talking about a few topics related to home, one of the most important things to have in life.
What is a home?
A home is a place where you have all your basic necessities. It is also a place in which you feel safe, happy, loved and protected. It is a place where all your loved belongings and family are. Basically, it’s your haven, your safe and comfortable place that you like best. It could be big, or small, or fancy, or basic. The important thing is that you find it comfortable.
Why do you need a home?
You need a home for numerous things. You need a home to…
Eat in
Sleep in
Drink in
Live in
Spend time with loved ones in
These are just some basic things. Think about it, how many things would you prefer to do at home rather than somewhere else(not restaurants, friend’s houses and other places that are interesting to you).
I am an immigrant. I was born in India. When I came here, I was only 3 months old. As I grew up, I became more native. Canada is a home to me because my earliest memories are here, in Canada. I grew up here. It is where I had some of the best moments in my life. As for other immigrants, they come later. They need more time to adjust.
Refugees are people escaping from their countries. They go to other countries to live peacefully. I would suggest Canada to all refugees. They can easily learn English, and it is usually very peaceful and easygoing in the country. You can get a variety of jobs to suit your interests. There is good healthcare and education. Canada is very recommended for refugees.
Indigenous Communities
Indigenous communities feel home here because they lived here ever since prehistoric times. They have been living here for so many millennia, that it is only natural to feel an extremely close connection to the land. Their first civilization was right here in Canada. They learned the secrets of their land and found natural medicine. They are even more native than a Canadian born here.
Homeless People
Some people don’t have the privilege of having enough money to buy a home. These people are homeless. They have to build their own lodges and camps to live. They struggle to survive day by day. These people sometimes beg for food or money. To someone who is homeless, $1 is worth 1 billion bars of pure gold.
Why should you help them?
You should help them because they are also humans. Even if they seem like bad people to you, everyone is nice deep down inside. All they are asking is for a small morsel of food, or a single dollar. Unless you are really poor and don’t have much food, you have absolutely no reason not to give some money or food. Some people are so self-centered these days, they don’t care about anyone that they don’t like or know. They can spend thousands and thousands of dollars on the newest iPhone brand or a Ferrari, but they can’t spend ten bucks on buying some food for homeless people. If you can spend two and a half dollars on popcorn or a bottle of pop every day of the year, couldn’t you give that same money to homeless people? How many times have you donated money(if you are a regular donator, that’s a different thing)? Maximum ten times, right? You aren’t the center of the universe. My point here is not to offend you, it’s to tell the truth. And the truth is that we all need to spend more time helping others rather than ourselves. I’m not saying to completely abandon self importance, I’m saying to reduce it a bit.
How to help?
There are many, many ways to help. You could donate money to charities. You could donate old clothes for others to wear. You could give food to a food bank. You could start a fundraiser. There are many things we could do to help if we think about it.
So, today we talked about what a home is, why you need a home, immigrants, refugees, indigenous communities, what a homeless person is, why we should help, and how to help.
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