My Home Is My Home
My home is my one and only home. The place where I sleep, and the only place where I can be at peace. I wake up to the noises of the cooking of my appetizing foods. But also the sun which wakes me up too! The taste of sandwiches gets me energized! Whilst my car takes me on a ride! The garage opening is the sound I’ll never forget!
When the clock is ticking and it’s noon I’m excited for what’s happening soon! The candles light up, the smell comes out, and refreshes me while making my home smell like the exact thing it needed. Sitting at the table with noises of chatters, and when everyone gathers!
The sun is down, everything is now dark. I go to my comfortable bed, which is the only place where I can be in peace, relax, and calm down. I get inside, tuck in, and get comfortable as sleep through the dark night. Although it’s peaceful it is also pitch black!
My wish is for everyone to afford a home like me!
Even though my home isn’t like other people’s home, my home is unique just the way it is!