Meaning of Home
Home is a place that has people; home is what has memories; home is what has joy. Home is what has dreams. Home is what has love; home is what has friends; home is a place you remember.
What if you were homeless? Homeless is a sad feeling that you have nowhere to go and it's hard to get a job. You lost your job then your home. You have rags for clothes and it's hard to get a job so you sit there on a sidewalk asking for money and parents telling kids to walk away. It's a sad feeling, and I don't want anyone to have a feeling of being homeless. You could be starving and not eating, and you could have bad mental health.
How nice is this website? This is a great website because you could win up to $30,000 for someone and you automatically win $10 for your local Habitat. Also, if you win, you can help give someone a place to sleep, and it doesn't cost a penny. You help get a lovely family a home of their own.