What my home means to me
I love my home it means a lot to me because there is lots of love and happiness. I do not care if my house is small or big, and I am just grateful to have a roof over my head, but even though lots of people do not. we should always help people that cannot afford a house. But if they still do not have all the money to buy a house even anything with a roof you can at least give them a tent or all money they need to buy their own tent. I always have protection in my home so animals or even kidnappers cannot see me, and other people cause if some one is not okey you should always be the one to help. My life started there so it means a lot to me cause a lot of memories started and ended there.
Even though my parents are not together both of my homes mean a lot to me. One thing in my home that means a lot to me is when you look at picture and it brings back memories. I live in a small town called Erickson and even though I was born in Minnedosa all the memories started here. One of my favorite memories is when my mom lets me do yoga with her cause she teaches yoga Even though some people have no room to do yoga.
That is the glorious meanings of my home.